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As a healthy bone marrow begins to deteriorate as a result of
leukemia, aplastic anemia, lymphoma or osteomyelitis or Due to
procedures such as chemotherapy and radiation, the bone marrow of the
respective donor must be replaced. This procedure is called bone
marrow transplants, where blood stem cells are moved to the brain to
produce new blood cells, which in turn helps new brain growth. Most
often, bone marrow transplantation is performed in patients with blood
cancer or osteomyelitis. Bone marrow transplants can be used to treat
a variety of diseases, including – 1. Aplastic anemia, when the
formation of new blood vessel cells in the bone marrow stops. 2.
Congenital neutropenia, an inherited disease that causes chronic
infections. 3. Bone marrow cancer, including leukemia, lymphoma, and
multiple myeloma. 4. Neuroplasty, where “neuro” means nerves, and
“blast” means cancer that affects developing or immature cells, mostly
in and around the adrenaline glands. Neuroblastoma can also occur in
other parts of the body, such as the abdomen, chest, neck, spine. 5.
Thalassemia, a genetic vascular system that forces the human body to
form hemoglobin in an abnormal way. 6. Herler’s syndrome is a disorder
of congenital disorder, it is a rare form of mucopolysaccharidosis
type 1, lysosomal storage disorder can cause a wide range of problems
that may include skeletal abnormalities, respiratory problems, reduced
life expectancy, etc. 7. Sickle cell anemia, a genetic vascular
failure that results in red blood cells. 8. Adrenocodistrophy, a
genetic abnormality that can destroy myelin in lashes and
hyperactivity. 9. Impaired immune deficiency when the body loses the
ability to fight infections and diseases effectively. Types of bone
marrow transplants (BMT): Bone marrow transplant procedure
