The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, is painless, does
not leave a scar on the skin, after 20-30 minutes the patient is
discharged from the clinic. The efficiency of large-needle COR biopsy
reaches 98%. Large-needle biopsy can also be performed by mammographic
or magnetic resonance imaging. This type of biopsy is called a
stereotactic (Stereotactic Needle Biopsy). Fine needle aspiration –
FNA biopsy (Fine needle aspiration) FNA biopsy is a surgical procedure
performed with a conventional needle. In the supine position, the
patient undergoes the procedure under local anesthesia, under
ultrasound control, at no rate on the skin. Cellular material is taken
from the pathological area and further cytological examination is
performed. The procedure is simple but does not have a high diagnostic
value as it is impossible to determine the morphological and
immunohistochemical type of the tumor. This type of biopsy is used to
diagnose and treat breast cysts, as well as to detect
metastatic lesions in regional lymph nodes. Vacuum-assisted breast
biopsy – VAB / Vacuum-assisted breast biopsy The surgical procedure is
performed with a special device, local anesthesia, ultrasound or
mammography control. A rate of about 5 mm is done on the skin.
Indication of the procedure is the diagnosis of radiologically
detected non-palpable small nodules of the breast, as well as the
determination of the genesis of radiologically described groups of
microcalcinates. During the procedure, a special robotic needle is
inserted into the pathological area under radiological control. The
vacuum needle has the function of automatic collection of tissue
material, making an ideal biopsy without blood loss. At the end of the
procedure, a metal clip can be implanted to mark the tumor.
Vacuum-assisted biopsy material is sent for morphological examination.
The duration of the full procedure is 20-30 minutes, 1 hour after the
procedure the patient is discharged from the clinic. The diagnos
tic value of the method is equal to 100%. Incisional biopsy The
surgical procedure involves taking a tissue sample from an abnormal
tumor site under local anesthesia. The material is sent for
morphological examination. Incisional biopsy is performed when a
tissue sample is taken from a skin invaded, open tumor for diagnosis.
Incisional biopsy is not an alternative to large needle biopsy in the
case of palpable and radiologically described tumors. Excisional
biopsy is a diagnostic operation performed under local or general
anesthesia. Requires a wide rate by which the pathological site is
completely excised. The material is sent for morphological
examination. Highly informative from a diagnostic point of view, it
does not have false positive results, however, it is literally a
surgical operation. Used infrequently, in special cases.
