Lymphogranulomatosis The same Hodgkin’s disease is the most common disease among tumors of the lymphatic system. They get sick easily at all ages, but more often between the ages of 16-30 and 50. Men get sick more often than women. The tumor substrate is a granuloma composed of Sternberg giant cells. They initially form small nodules in the lymph nodes, gradually filling the entire nodule and expelling normal tissue. It is very important to evaluate the lymph nodes as regions of independent lymph nodes: Saxon arc lymphatic tissues (right and left separately) cervically (right and left separately) Lower neck Upper neck supraclavicularly (right and left separately) Infraclavicular Left separately) axillary (right and left separate) Pulmonary hilus (right and left separately), broncho-pulmonary lymph nodes. Lymph nodes of the mediastinum in the upper part before bifurcation in the middle, hilus to the subcarinal region. Lower part of the diaphragm Supradiaphragmatic spleen sphincter hep
